About Bamawing...


...plus some questions her Mama is bound to ask

Bamawing is from Alabama, but now lives in Virginia with her hubby and her furry, four-footed son and daughter (both cats). She teaches crafts at Michael's, tutors academics at New Vistas School, and draws more than she probably should.

Q: Tell me about the new pic.
A: I was in New Mexico for two friends' weddings... er, wedding... it was to each other. The week and a half leading up to the wedding was a whirlwind of bowmaking, favor stuffing, meeting and greeting, and whatnot. Mike's dad - Mr. Mike - took this pic of me at the rehersal dinner... more like a cookout, man, they had these ribs... I could eat some of those ribs, right now. Anyway, he took this faboo pic of how I look after a week of zero sleep and a few cans of Coca-cola. I'm not usually this... alert. But the bit with my drawing wasn't posed... although I did beg him for a copy. Thanks, Mr. Mike, and hey to Marsha!

Q: Questions just for Mama?
A: Well, I can't very well call it "frequently asked questions," since nobody has actually asked any of these. But it's basically a FAQ.

Q: So is this that children's story/novel I've been asking (and asking and asking) you to write?
A: Well... if I say yes, will you stop asking? OK, OK. Actually, Pandala came to me before I was married, living alone in rural Georgia. I started writing something that I would like to read. And since I like to read children's books, that might be what this turns into. I do plan to keep it "clean." On the other hand, the primary character is an adult. So am I, for that matter. So I don't know if children would be interested. I guess we'll just see.

Q: So can I make a t-shirt out of one of these characters?
A: Um, no, not really. All my characters are copyrighted to me, and unless I give you written permission, you can't legally put them on a T-shirt. (If you do want a T-shirt, email me and I'll see what I can do. Mama's great with her new embroidery Surger.)

Q: How do you say it?
A: It's pronounced (pan-DAHL-a). My husband pronounces it "PANda-la" just to drive me crazy, but that's not it. No matter what his aunt, Janis, says. (But if y'all ever get a chance, just ask her to say it. It's really funny.)

Q: No, I meant the other one.
A: What, Llpo? Your guess is as good as mine.

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