Cooks and Cleaners



Bess is the undisputed head of the kitchen-mess on the Llpo Pandala. She seems to be able to keep out of trouble only when she is cooking. She has been on the Llpo Pandala for years, but has many colorful stories of her life previous to joining its crew.
Once is the quiet kitchen-mess assistant. Her gentle demenor juxtaposes Bess beautifully, and they are very close despite their differences.
Synthe Synthe serves as the bartender in the small lounge. Unable to breathe the same air as most Pandalians, she gets by rather well with her artificial respirator. It does, however, affect her voice.


Rayv Rayv is the high-spirited head of the janitoral team, and does her best to keep this ship tidy. She is also an accomplished arialist with her "sister," Amn, and can play the Jamboli in a pinch.
Ruby probably looks familiar. She does her part to keep the ship running, and manages to keep her shipmates clothed. She plays the Jamboli well, and can Emcee or dance.
Mirra/Link Mirra is actually ambiotic with a being called Link. Link has no body, and so borrows Mirra's. In exchange, Mirra is able to shape-shift for short periods of time. She can become liquid or even gas, but cannot lose or gain mass.
Tabitha is a young Pandalian who is eager to help with whatever, whenever. When performing, she controls the fuzzimals (sometimes called fuzz'malls) in mock combat or simple dancing.

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